Read this:

This will be the third, and plausibly the final, iteration of my blog - assuming Substack doesn't shut down or whatever. I started my first blog back in high school, focusing mainly on economics and politics when my opinions were highly variable. The 'nominal' part of this blog’s name and what became my online alias was meant to play on the concept of 'real value,' giving me some plausible deniability for whatever naive opinions I might've had at the time. Looking back, most of what I wrote wasn't actually naive, though I couldn’t be sure then. My second blog iteration, started in college, zeroed in purely on economics, but I found myself constantly straying from topics I truly cared about. Writing became a chore, the quality of my posts suffered, and as life got busier, I drifted away and never really came back.

By the way, my name is Jason Harrison. I'm currently a Research Fellow at Stanford GSB researching economics, with a focus on tax policy and the general characteristics, movements, and incentives of multinational enterprises. Obviously, views are my own and not representative of my employer or my co-workers.

I enjoy life and learning what the universe has to offer. I love talking about what I think I know, partially because it helps me understand what I know better, and partially because having other people know what I think I know creates positive spillovers, probably. So, I'm starting my blog again for reasons of "knowing." While I expect most of what I write will be about economics, I'll really just speak on whatever comes to mind.

It likely matters to mention that I've never been particularly concerned about privacy, for myself (fun fact: most of your social security number is guessable with the right information - not that it matters in any meaningful sense, just interesting and somewhat related). This isn't to say I'm going to share my entire life story here, but if this blog survives long enough, you'll probably be able to piece together a decent chunk of it.

So here's to another attempt at documenting thoughts, sharing ideas, and figuring things out in public. If you're interested in economics, random tangents, or just watching someone think out loud, you're in the right place.

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Economics, Kierkegaard, music, and whatever else wanders in...